Robert Downey Jr. Workout Routine and Diet

How to get a body like Robert Downey Jr.

Robert Downey Jr. is an American actor known for playing superheroes like Iron Man. In Robert Downey Jr.’s workout routine, the Suspension Trainer Pushup is performed to failure for enhanced upper body strength and endurance.

Robert Downey Jr. Stats

  • Height in Feet: 5 ft 9 in
  • Height in Centimeters: 175 cm
  • Weight in Pounds: 175 lbs
  • Weight in Kilograms: 79 kg

How to get a body like Robert Downey Jr.

  • Muscle Building Focus: Exercises target muscle growth.
  • Mind-Body Balance: Integrates yoga and meditation.
  • Strategic Eating: Adjusts calorie intake for bulking.
  • Body Awareness: Works within his physical limits.

Robert Downey Jr. Workout Routine

Day 1: Lower Body

Band Squat48-12
Hamstring Curl48-12
Leg Press18-12
Suspension Trainer Lunge315-20 each leg
Suspension Trainer Superman Squat315
Romanian Deadlift38-10
Sandbag Squat38-10
Ab Circuit3 roundsVaries

Day 2: Yoga and Meditation

Yoga Flow

Day 3: Full Body

Air Squats48-12
Bench Press48-12
Lateral Pull Downs48-12
Arnold Presses310-12
Calf Raises315
Straight Leg Deadlift38-10
Pull Ups38-10
Ab Circuit3 roundsVaries

Day 4: Yoga and Meditation

Yoga Flow

Day 5: Upper Body

Weighted Pullup38-12
Weighted Dip38-12
Swiss Ball Bench Press38-12
Low Row38-12
Continuous Tension DB Shoulder Press38-12
Bosu Ball Pushup315-20
Suspension Trainer Pushup3Failure
Suspension Trainer Row3Failure
Lateral/Front Shoulder Raise38-12
Kettlebell Swing340
Sand Bag Power Throw312-15
Ab Circuit3 roundsVaries

Robert Downey Jr. Diet and Nutrition

  • Bulking Calorie Intake: Adjusts calories to support muscle gain for specific roles.
  • Sustainable Approach: Focuses on finding a long-term diet that works for you.
  • Paleo diet: focused on whole, unprocessed foods
  • Time-restricted eating: This clarifies what intermittent fasting does
  • High-protein diet: important for muscle building

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