Chris Evans Workout Routine and Diet to get a body like Captain America

Chris Evans is an American actor best known for portraying Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Chris Evans workout routine uses heavy compound lifts with low reps.

Chris Evans Height and Weight

  • Height in Feet: 6 ft 0 in
  • Height in Centimeters: 183 cm
  • Weight in Kilogram: 88 kg
  • Weight in Pounds: 194 lb

How To Get A Body Like Chris Evans

  • Focus on building a strong muscle base through compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses.
  • Get plenty of protein in your diet.
  • Maintain a low body fat percentage for a defined look.
  • Be consistent with your workouts and nutrition.
  • Consider working with a personal trainer for guidance and motivation.
Chris Evans Workout Routine and Diet to get a body like Captain America 1

Chris Evans-Inspired Workout Routine (Option A)

Day 1: Lower Body

  • Squat: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Deadlift: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Jump Squats: 2 sets of 12 reps
  • Box Jumps: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Lying Leg Curl: 2 sets of 12 reps
  • Standing Machine Calf Raise: 2 sets of 15 reps
  • Cardio: 10-minute jog on the treadmill at 6 MPH, 2-4 incline

Day 2: Upper Body

  • Military Press: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Pull-Up: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Z Press: 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Push-Up: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Inverted Row: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Cardio: 10-minute jog on the treadmill at 6 MPH, 2-4 incline

Day 3: Active Recovery

Focus on mobility exercises such as yoga or light cardio if needed.

Day 4: Lower Body

  • Trap Bar Deadlift: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Front Squat: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Leg Press: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Seated Leg Curl: 2 sets of 15 reps
  • Jumping Lunges: 2 sets of 15 reps each
  • Seated Calf Raise: 2 sets of 15 reps
  • Cardio: 10-minute jog on the treadmill at 6 MPH, 2-4 incline

Day 5: Upper Body

  • Bent Over Row: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Incline Bench Press: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Kneeling Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • One Arm Dumbbell Row: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Dips: 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Chin-Ups: 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Cardio: 10-minute jog on the treadmill at 6 MPH, 2-4 incline

Day 6 & 7: Active Recovery & Optional Abs/Arms

Focus on mobility exercises such as yoga or light cardio if needed.

Optional Abs/Arms:

  • Plank: 3 sets of 30 seconds
  • Sit-Up: 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Bicycle Crunch: 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Lying Floor Leg Raise: 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Weighted Crunch: 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Dumbbell Curls: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Overhead Dumbbell Extension: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Barbell Curl: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Skullcrusher: 2 sets of 10 reps
Chris Evans Workout Routine and Diet to get a body like Captain America 2

Workout Routine Inspired by Chris Evans (Option B)

Monday: Chest and Triceps

  • Bench press: 4 sets of 6-8 reps, rest 2-3 minutes
  • Incline dumbbell press: 3 sets of 10-12 reps, rest 60-90 seconds
  • Close-grip bench press: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, rest 60-90 seconds
  • Triceps extensions: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, rest 60-90 seconds
  • Overhead triceps extension: 3 sets of 10-12 reps, rest 60-90 seconds

Tuesday: Back and Biceps

  • Pull-ups: 4 sets to failure, rest 2-3 minutes
  • Bent-over rows: 3 sets of 8-10 reps, rest 60-90 seconds
  • Lat pulldown: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, rest 60-90 seconds
  • Bicep curls: 3 sets of 10-12 reps, rest 60-90 seconds
  • Hammer curls: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, rest 60-90 seconds


Rest or Active Recovery

Thursday: Legs

  • Squats: 4 sets of 6-8 reps, rest 2-3 minutes
  • Lunges: 3 sets of 10-12 reps per leg, rest 60-90 seconds
  • Leg press: 3 sets of 15 reps, rest 60-90 seconds
  • Calf raises: 3 sets of 15-20 reps, rest 60-90 seconds
  • Hamstring curls: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, rest 60-90 seconds

Friday: Shoulders and Core

  • Military press: 3 sets of 8-10 reps, rest 60-90 seconds
  • Lateral raises: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, rest 60-90 seconds
  • Front raises: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, rest 60-90 seconds
  • Plank: Hold for 30-60 seconds, repeat 3-4 times
  • Crunches: 3 sets of 15-20 reps, rest 30 seconds

Saturday and Sunday: Rest or Active Recovery

Focus on mobility, stretching, or light cardio.

Chris Evans Daily Diet and Nutrition

Chris Evans’ Daily Diet and Nutrition


  • Oatmeal with walnuts and dark berries
  • Or pesto eggs

Morning Snack

  • Whey-based protein shake
  • 5g branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)

Pre-Workout Snack

  • Fruits (e.g., apples)
  • Nuts (e.g., almonds)

Post-Workout Snack

  • Protein smoothie
  • Includes BCAA, whey protein, berries, banana, peanut butter


  • Grilled chicken or chicken salad
  • Vegetable stir-fry with brown basmati rice

Afternoon Snack

Protein shake


  • Lean protein (e.g., chicken, fish)
  • Veggies
  • Baked sweet potato

Before Bedtime

Protein shake with a scoop of casein-based protein powder

Additional Supplements

  • Whey Protein
  • Casein Protein
  • Glutamine
  • BCAAs
  • Omega fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9)

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