Arnold Schwarzenegger Height, Weight, Diet, Workout Routine

How do you get a body like Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a bodybuilding legend and actor who won Mr. Olympia 7 times. The key exercise of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s workout routine is the bench press, performed with 5 sets of 6-10 reps to build chest strength and size.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Stats

  • Height in Feet: 6 ft 2 in
  • Height in Centimeters: 1.88 m
  • Weight in Kilograms: 106-111 kg (competition) / 118 kg (off-season)
  • Weight in Pounds: 235-245 lbs (competition) / 260 lbs (off-season)

How do you get a body like Arnold Schwarzenegger?

  • Train Hard, Train Often: Hitting muscles twice a week with high-volume sets.
  • Compound Kings: Prioritizing exercises that work multiple muscles for efficiency.
  • Free Weight Finesse: Using dumbbells and barbells to build core strength and stability.
  • Progressive Challenge: Gradually increasing weight or reps to keep pushing his limits.
  • Mind-Muscle Connection: Focusing on the targeted muscle for better control and results.
  • Daily Core Focus: Training abs every day for a strong foundation.
  • Rest and Recover: Dedicating a rest day to allow his body to rebuild.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout Routine

Arnold’s split routine

Days 1, 3, 5:

  • AM: Chest, Back
  • PM: Legs, Calves, Abs

Days 2, 4, 6:

  • AM: Shoulders, Triceps, Biceps
  • PM: Calves, Abs

Day 7: Rest

Arnold Schwarzenegger Chest Workout

Bench Press56-10
Incline Bench Press56-10
Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes56-10
Cable Crossovers510-12
Dips5To Failure
Dumbbell Pullovers510-12

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Back Workout

Wide-Grip Pull-Ups5To failure
T-Bar Rows56-10
Seated Rows56-10
One-Arm Dumbbell Rows56-10
Bent-Over Barbell Rows56-10

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Shoulders Workout

Seated Barbell Press4-56-10
Arnold Press4-56-10
Lateral Raises4-510-12
Bent-Over Lateral Raises4-510-12
Dumbbell Front Raises3-48-10
Upright Rows3-48-10

Arnold Schwarzenegger Arms Workout


Barbell Curl4-56-10
Dumbbell Curl4-56-10
Preacher Curl4-58-12
Concentration Curl3-48-12


Close-Grip Bench Press4-56-10
Tricep Dips4-5To failure
Tricep Pushdowns (Rope Attachment)4-58-12
Overhead Dumbbell Extension3-48-12
Skull Crushers3-48-12

Arnold Schwarzenegger Legs Workout

Quadriceps & Hamstrings

Leg Press4-58-12
Leg Extensions3-410-15
Leg Curls3-410-15


Standing Calf Raises4-510-15
Seated Calf Raises4-510-15
Donkey Calf Raises4-510-15

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Abs Workout

Hanging Leg Raises415-20
Cable Crunches415-20
Decline Bench Sit-Ups415-20
Russian Twists320 (each side)
Plank31 minute
Arnold Schwarzeneggers Diet and Nutrition

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Diet and Nutrition

Diet Principles

  • High protein for muscle building.
  • 5-6 small meals daily.
  • Whole foods like lean protein, veggies, and healthy fats.
  • Carbs are limited, especially pre-competition.
  • Protein powder and multivitamins were used.

Meal Plan

Meal 1 (Breakfast):

  • Scrambled eggs with vegetables and whole-wheat toast
  • Protein shake

Meal 2 (Mid-Morning Snack):

  • Chicken breast or fish with brown rice
  • Handful of nuts and berries

Meal 3 (Lunch):

  • Lean beef or turkey burger (no bun) with salad
  • Sweet potato

Meal 4 (Pre-Workout Snack):

Banana with protein powder and almond milk

Meal 5 (Post-Workout Meal):

  • Chicken or fish with vegetables and brown rice
  • Protein shake

Meal 6 (Dinner):

Grilled salmon with steamed vegetables and quinoa

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